maanantaina, joulukuuta 21, 2015


Fake light

Vihaan keinovalossa kuvaamista. Tykkään niin luonnonvalosta, vaan sitä kun ei nyt tahdo olla. Varsinkin jos on pilvistä, sisällä kuvaaminen on inhaa. Huomenna on talvipäivänseisaus. Katsoin että täällä meillä päivän pituus on 4 tuntia 40 minuuttia

Kynttilöitä, höyryävän kuumaa teetä, karkkeja - tämän viikon jälkeen päivät jo pitenevät

I hate photographing when there's no daylight. And now we just don't have it so much!! It's the Winter solstice tomorrow, our day will be 4 hours and 40 minutes long

Candles, sweets and steaming tea - after this week days will be longer all the time

Mukavaa päivää!

Have a nice day!

7 kommenttia:

  1. So it's candle time currently in your part of Finland.
    Uhhh, we've again (some) sunshine and +13°C today (= summer in Finland! ;-) - where are my flip-flops????
    Well again, PL!?
    Regards, Uwe.

    1. Oh yes, last summer was cold! Now we have same temperatures like we had last July!! :D Our July is normally between 25-30C. This year was cold, so cold. And these 3 last winters have been stupid, maybe it's the global warming.. :/

  2. I had forgotten that it is time for Winter Solstice...just concentrating on our December birthdays and Christmas, and let it slip my mind. I have been so aware of the short days! I will be happy when the daylight has gradually crept back to reasonable levels! :-) Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Wonderful shots of the winter season. Thanks for linking in with "Through my Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography
