keskiviikkona, joulukuuta 10, 2014

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Wednesday around the World

Päivän pituus Vaasassa tänään 4h 54minuuttia ja päivät vielä lyhenee. Mitkä ovat sinun jipposi pimeästä ajasta selviämiseen? Kahvia, hedelmiä, ajoissa nukkumaan, vitamiinia..

We have 4h 54minutes of daylight here in Vaasa today. And days are even getting shorter. Oh no!!

Tervetuloa tekemään katsaus keskiviikkoon ympäri maailmaa! Klikkaa tämän postauksen lopussa sinistä tekstiä. Käytäthän linkittäessäsi postauksesi osoitetta, ei blogin pääosoitetta - jos tahdotte, olisi kiva jos linkkaatte takaisin COMMUNAL GLOBAL-sivulle tai tänne mun blogiin niin lukijasikin löytävät linkitykseen. Voit halutessasi kopioida linkkinappini alta. Mistä on kyse - lue TÄÄLTÄ.

Welcome to Wednesday around the world!! Please make sure to link to your post - not the main page your blog and link back to COMMUNAL GLOBAL-page or to my blog so your readers will find this linky party too. Read more about us HERE.


Pieni Lintu

Dec 10, 2014

18 kommenttia:

  1. ihania kuvia, Hattivatti ja Origo astiat saavat täälläkin aina olon aurinkoiseksi. Iloista päivää. <3

  2. Oh, less than five hours daylight, how do you get used to that?

    I like your pictures!

    1. Well..I've lived here 32 years so.. :D And during summertime we have sunlight even in the night. :D

  3. A wonderful mood in this time of the Year before Christmas. Time to ist together with coffee and cacao .... Like your pictures show me :)
    And this is the Time for Tales and myths. So we found this in the Castle of embresse Sisi ....

    Cheers Heidrun

  4. The whole day&night thing is so strange!! I would love to visit your country... Maybe during summer!!
    If you need to have more sunlight come to Italy ;)

    1. Haha!! You should visit Lapland..they don't have almost any daylight now! :D And midsummer they'll have midnight sun. :D

  5. It will get better after christmas!!! The best way to get through the dark winter is to drink a lot of glögg, eat cookies and hide under a blanket with a lot of good books!

  6. THe tangerine makes it look brighter that it sounds!!! amazing pictures

  7. Our days aren't that short, but I can't wait for them to get longer. I like the sunshine!

  8. I cannot imagine living somewhere where there is only 5 hours of sunlight...or less! Even in our winter the sunlight hours are not that short. We here in Australia the sun is getting up around 5am and going down about 8pm at the moment. Summer is here!

    1. Well our summer days are a bit longer here.. ;) We have sunset after midnight. :D And there's just few hours night before the sun is up again. That's why we have blackout curtains. :D

  9. I can't imagine having so little daylight. What do you do to stop it getting you down? Love your fruity pics.

    1. Oh I am not sure.. :D Maybe we Finns are always a bit down during this dark time of the year. ;)
