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Tarjoilen jälleen luontokuvia! Eihän nyt voi sisällä köllötellä. Kaunis kesä!!
Outdoor photos once again. Summer is so beautiful!!
Tervetuloa huomenna linkittämään blogisi Wednesday around the World-haasteeseen!!
Welcome back tomorrow for Wednesday around the World-linky!
Ihanan kesäisiä kuvia :)
VastaaPoista*Ihana katsoa näitä kuvia, kun pohjoisesta sisko laittoi kuvan, kun lumi maassa :)
VastaaPoistaKylmä täälläkin on ollut, tuulista, mutta aurinkoista. Ei sentään lunta. :D
PoistaSuomen kesä ja luonto <3
VastaaPoistaEn malta odottaa juhannukselta alkavaa lomaa.
Silloin suuntaamme meren rannalla sijaitsevalle mökillemme,
ei aikatauluja viiteen viikkoon, ihanaa! Saan rauhassa ulkoiluttaa kameraani,
ei ole kiire minnekään.
Upeaa juhannusviikkoa!
Mukavaa lomaa sinulle!! :)
PoistaTulisipa lämpö pian takaisin!
VastaaPoistaVoi niinpä!!
PoistaThat looks like the photos from your weekend trip to your cottage, doesn't it?
VastaaPoistaAre there any yellow submarines in the lake?
John, Paul George and Ringo.
Actually these are from home, Vaasa - not lake, sea between Finland and Sweden. ;)
PoistaOK, fully understood. The trees on the other side of the Gulf of Bothnia are already standing in Sweden, because it's close to Finland there... ;-)
VastaaPoistaI was always good in geography...
...or was it sports???
There's few islands between Sweden and Finland. :D It's about 80km between Vaasa and Umeå. :)
PoistaI wish I could visit Umeå and swim to Vaasa one day...
VastaaPoista...(no, I don't want to swim).
I just tried to impress you...
...although my lupine holder is already back home!
You've met one, you'll know all of them!
Take a ferry instead. ;)
PoistaThat'll be definitely the best and most comfortable for some old geezers like me... ;-)
PoistaThe shimmery water is so beautiful. Lovely summer images!
VastaaPoistaThanks, Sharon! :)
PoistaWatching to some gooses (not sure about, maybe egrets) and ducks and "sparkling" waters in sunny days.... like a poem is it look alike!! Wonderful!!
VastaaPoistaThank you, Alexa. :)
PoistaLove the 3 male Mallard in a row and also the Great Crested Grebe.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Margaret! :)
PoistaBeautiful captures of summer and the lovely variety of birds.
VastaaPoistaThank you so much! :)
PoistaCan imagine the summer in such a landscape, beautiful photos.
VastaaPoistaThank you, Christian. :)
PoistaThere's nothing quite like a Mallard or a Grebe to put a smile on someone's face!
VastaaPoistaThey look so graceful in that first shot when they're taking flight above the water :)