keskiviikkona, toukokuuta 28, 2014

Oh happy days {Linky}

Wednesday around the World

Viimeinen kouluviikko! Kohta on pienillä loma. Omat rakkaat ja reippaat! Kesä aikaa kiipeillä, leikkiä, nukkua, uida, pelata - tervetuloa iloiset kesäpäivät!

Last school week before summer!! Welcome happy summer days!

Tervetuloa tekemään katsaus keskiviikkoon ympäri maailmaa! Klikkaa tämän postauksen lopussa sinistä tekstiä. Käytäthän linkittäessäsi postauksesi osoitetta, ei blogin pääosoitetta - jos tahdotte, olisi kiva jos linkkaatte takaisin COMMUNAL GLOBAL-sivulle tai tänne mun blogiin niin lukijasikin löytävät linkitykseen. Voit halutessasi kopioida linkkinappini alta. Mistä on kyse - lue TÄÄLTÄ.

Welcome to Wednesday around the world!! Please make sure to link to your post - not the main page your blog and link back to COMMUNAL GLOBAL-page or to my blog so your readers will find this linky party too. Read more about us HERE.


Pieni Lintu
May 28, 2014

19 kommenttia:

  1. Lovely green and blue in the photos!

  2. What sunny-funny pictures!
    I like the fresh and spring-like color of his clothing...
    Have a great holoday time :-)

  3. viimeinen kouluviikko, kevät juhlat, ne suloiset esitykset. Mä olin aina kyynelissä niissä... ihanaa kesälomaa teille.

    1. Kiitoksia, Ritva. :) Päiväkodissa olikin jo viime viikolla kevätjuhla, esikoisella lauantaina nyt. :) Vaan kyllä siinä varmaan nessupakettia tarvitaan. :)

  4. Three days ago you still had snow in Finland, two days ago the first green leaves appeared - and now it's one week before summer vacation????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Funny country, this Finland... ;-)


    1. We didn't have snow this winter.. :P So maybe it's snowing in summer? :D

  5. Playing in the garden with sun .... what else is better?! Great captures, I love this scenes.

    Thank you again, dear Pieni for hosting .... Wish you a very nice day.

    Heidrun from Bavaria, Augsburg

  6. I really like the varied depths of field you used in this series of shots. Gorgeous tones too!

  7. These are such beautiful images. Love the vivid colors and the contrast of blues and green! Great collection...tells a beautiful story all on its own.

  8. it seems odd to see pics of summer days when we are in winter here. I love the way you have photographed the little boy, it tells the story, even though you can't see his face.
    Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog today. Happy summer days ahead!

  9. Wish I could go back to that age :). Your photos are gorgeous Pieni.

  10. That's the best feeling! Happy Summer!

  11. What joy to have a summer vacation!! So well captured and expressed in these pics... and what a luck that, by chance, in my post I'm remembering one happy summer vacation that I had it... some years ago as a child!! :) Thanks for hosting and have a happy summer vacation!
