tiistaina, huhtikuuta 15, 2014

Ice cream season is here

Jäätelökausi on täällä

Viikonloppuna tuli niin keväinen fiilis. Kävin pyöräilemässä lasten kanssa ja ulkona tuli ihan kuuma ja oli pakko tehdä herkulliset jätskiannokset kun päästiin kotiin. Nams!!

Last Saturday was so warm and sunny. We made delicious ice cream portions after biking. Yummy!

// linking with


Ihanaa tiistaita sinulle!

Happy Tuesday to you!!

13 kommenttia:

  1. Yum! That looks good! I'm thinking mint and chocolate ice-cream ... perfect after a spot of cycling. Enjoy your week! Bonny

  2. Last week you had half a meter of snow in and around Vaasa - and now it's already ice cream season, Pieni!?!?!?!??!


    Lucky girl; I haven't had (real) ice cream (made from milk) for years now because of my lactose intolerance...
    ...but after a certain time you won't miss it any more!

    And of course there's a substitute product: soy ice cream.

    Have a great day,
    all the best from Germany, Uwe.

    1. What!!!? Don't you poor guys have any lactose free ice cream there in Germany?? We have many flavors of lactose free ice cream made of cream or milk. My husband uses too lactose free products and I have noticed that there must be 5-10 different lactose free ice creams..you should come to Finland and buy some.. ;)

    2. There are people who really need 100% lactose-free products (NOT made from milkat all) and others with particial lactose intolerance (like your hubby) who still produce some lactase to split lactose molecules relating to digestion.
      I can't (and I don't) eat any (real) milk products anymore, because they always contain residual lactose (< 0,1% according "lactose-free" definition). Let's say: that wouldn't be a good idea for me and my vicinity... ;-)
      So my favourite milk substitues are soy rice "milk" and - every now and then "soy ice cream" with different flavours. Right now, there's a soy rice milk coffee standing in front of me. Soy rice milk has a much better flavour than pure soy milk (without sugar). Many soy products contain much to much sugar to get a better flavour/taste, but that's counterproductive for a healthy nutrition and counterproductive for a summer six-pack I'm working on... ;-)
      Complait-free afternoon, Uwe.

    3. Oh no, sounds very difficult! There's milk everywhere!!!

    4. Not for me... ;-)
      I'm used to live lactose- AND gluten-free for years now.
      It's no longer a problem for me, more for the others (friends, family) who are not used to handle this and are not really aware what I can eat and drink. So: I always have my type of bread and spread with me in the top compartment of my photo rucksack... ;-)

      This is my favourite spread: "Zwergenwiese" very delicious, only made from nature - and free of all incrediences I cannot eat anymore.



  3. hitsinvitsit että nyt vasta tekeekin mieli jäätelöä! :D

  4. Oih, meilläkin nautittu ekat jäätelöt rappusilla ulkona auringonpaisteessa.

  5. Damn, now I want ice-cream.

