maanantaina, tammikuuta 27, 2014

Monday with textures


Olin tosiaan kotosalla tänään potilaan kanssa. Vointi alkaa olla parempi, mutta on hyvä olla kotosalla vielä huominen. Eilen kun oli niin hurja kuume vielä. Potilas viihtyi tietokonepelien lumoissa ja sain vietyä lasten patjat, petarit, petivaatteet ja unikaverit ulos pakkaseen. Pakkaspäivät on kivoja.

Mun piti valokuvata keittiöstä yksi uusi ihana sisustusjuttu, mutta se kaikessa järkkäämisessä unohtui. Jospa joku toinen päivä sitten.

It's been quite ok Monday. Our little patient is feeling much better but it is better to stay at home tomorrow.

I like cold winter days. I had blankets and pillows outside and now they feel so fresh and clean.

22 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Pieni,
    yesterday we got the first two or three snow flakes in January 2014 - quite unusually even for our lowlands in the north of southern Germany. This morning the hills above our valley were covered with a thin layer of white - but it's more or less all gone with the rain showers during the day.
    Currently we have minus temperatures --> -2°C --> the coldest temperature in winter 2014 in our region so far. I can remember other winter seasons with less than -20°C here in our region. But obviously not this winter...;-)

    Have a great and pleasant week,

  2. I happened to pass by and stopped to see all the beautiful shots of the snow scenes.... fascinating to me as, I, here in Lisbon (Portugal), can never see snow. Your country is beautiful, even without snow , when I visited it three years ago and stayed in it for 3 weeks... wonderful!

    1. Thank you so much!! Finland is very beautiful. Summers are VERY green. :)

  3. so peaceful and pretty - a slice of your world!

  4. Very pretty pictures!!!
    My favourite one is the photo with the little bowl full of cereals (and the snowy trees)!

  5. Lovely BW shots and great textures ~

    carol, xxx

  6. My favorite is the second one from the bottom. The branches and snow background really stand out in black and white.

  7. what a wonderful collection and oh so winter.

  8. I love these shots of every day life. Lovely...

  9. I love the light in your photos - I feel that you let light into your day to day and capture it! Wonderful!
