Tuesday around the World - {picking berries}
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Löysin aiemmin kesällä pienet lasten marjanoukkurit kaupasta parin euron hintaan. Ja kun vielä sattui olemaan molempien lempivärit vaihtoehtoina niin olihan nämä ostettava. Mustikat sujahtivat noukkuriin ja kippoon suit sait sukkelaan. Mun käsistä näkee, että itse en käyttänyt noukkuria.
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I found these super cute tiny berry pickers in my boys' favorite colors green and blue. I just had to buy these for my boys!

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30 kommenttia:
Tuntuu, että olen elänyt kesän marjoilla :) Ei pöllömpää! Vattuakin tullut ihan uskomattoman paljon :) Ihania kuvia ja pikkupoimijoita :)
Yum! Berry picking is a simple pleasure of summer!
Never take children berry picking in clean clothes!
Nice post.
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Those are so clever...and they are my boys' favorite colors, too! :)
Thank you for hosing. I need to get one of those berry pickers. Awesome!
Kiitos Mona - terveellisiähän nuo ovat. :)
Thanks Tamar!! :)
I know - it's very messy for adults too! :D
Thanks Dina! :)
I need one too! I want a pink one. ;)
Blueberries are my all time favorite.
Oh cool! Didn't know there were such tools! I really enjoy picking fresh berries.
Mine too! :)
Oh yes, it's very fast way to pick berries. But there's much more work afterwards, cleaning all the leaves and other stuff..
Thank you for your comment! :)
Mmmm yumm fresh berries. What fun for you family.
I love it when I get something my kids love to use. Great photos!!!
How clever is that - I've never seen those. Love the berries too.
Those berry pickers are awesome, and in bright colors! The berries look yummy!
I would so like to be out picking berries and making a berry pie. Delicious.
Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Ooh, oon varmaan juonut liian vähän aamukahvia. Päivän liian myöhässä...no mutta nyt siellä on mun keskiviikkopostauskin :D
Thanks - those were soooo delicious! :)
I know! They were so happy about these picker and they were great helpers for me. :) Thanks Lisa! :)
Thanks Nicki!! :)
Thank you Sharon! :)
Thanks Jill!! :)
Ei se mitään kuule, tuo linkkihomma on auki vielä yli 3vrk. :) Kiva kun linkitit. :)
Juu ja eihän ne keskiviikon hommia olekaan, vaikka keskiviikkona kirjoitettu :) Kiva tällainen linkitys!
Eikä mun kuvat ole tiistailta. ;-)
I have never picked blueberries. They are one of my favourite fruit so I would love to find a place to do it
It is fun. :-)
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