Tällä viikolla on vihdoin tullut oikein talviset kelit. On saanut pluukata posket punaisina ja lapset kiivetä lumikasoissa kaivamassa ja mylläämässä, laskea pulkalla - talvi on parhautta! Ja lisää sataa koko ajan!
Linking to Maxabella's blog
and also to Favorite photo friday
and I heart macro
This week I'm grateful for the snow, winter and pretty white landscape
Linking to Maxabella's blog
and also to Favorite photo friday
and I heart macro
Kieltämättä tämäkin ei-talvi-ihminen on nauttinut tuosta lumesta.Eilen koko porukalla viihdyttiin pihalla mäkeä ja lumipolkuja ym. tehden ja olipas mukavaa.Ja nyt kun ei ole kylmäkään, niin meleko lepposta.
VastaaPoistaHauskoja päiviä! :)
Aaaarrrghh!! All that 'pretty' snow needs to stop blowing around and whipping my face. I can't even open the door properly to let the dog out, since it keeps drifting in front of it! I'm SO over winter, already ;)
VastaaPoistaThat looks delightful- yay for snow!
VastaaPoistathis is such a wonderful post! u've shot some really nice and fun pictures of the snow...and also the frost on the window!
My Third Eye
Hello gorgeous! As we slog through the heat of January, a little snow would be most welcome. I have a dream to have a white Christmas one day... x
VastaaPoistaWouldn't it be glorious if we could really dip our virtual toes into each others worlds?
VastaaPoistaAt the height of summer in my pocket of the world, your fabulous snowy images are a breath of cool, fresh air.
Happy weekend Lovely!
Thank you so much! :)
VastaaPoistathese snow shots are beautiful!
VastaaPoistaWonderful winter photos!
VastaaPoistaYou make it look fun with the snow being thrown up in the air. I love shots of snow as long as I am not in it ;-) Have a wonderful winter day!