maanantaina, joulukuuta 05, 2011

Winter at Home

Grandmother's old milk jar is full of small candles

I love burning candels during the whole winter
- it's so so dark now here in Finland!

Today in Western Finland

Sunrise - 09:47
Sunset - 15:00
Length of day 5h 13min

8 kommenttia:

  1. Apua miten ihana kahvikuppi kynttiläkruunu ! :)

  2. lovely photos ~ lovely presentation also! ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy MYM ^_^

  3. Jasmiina: Kiitos :)

    Carol: Thanks :)

  4. Kaunista ja kermaisen raikasta! Ihana tosiaan tuo kahvikruunu!

  5. so you leave for work & school in the dark & come home when it's dark? what sort of weather do you have? snow or rain to accompany the darkness?
    using candles sounds like a great solution --- and the buttery yellow-gold pottery must also bring sunshine to your space!
    thank you for sharing!

  6. Maikki: Se on kyllä omasta mielestäkin kiva kahvikuppihässäkkä :)

    Ms Burrito: Thank you :)

    Christine: Yes, that's the way it is. :D And it's getting darker and darker -> 22.12 is the darkest day of the year. BUT in the midsummer we have sunshine almost 24h - especially in north. It usually is lot of snow this time of year but now it has been very rainy winter. Now we have little snow. :)

  7. lovely yellows..

    Visiting for MYM! Hope you can visit mine too..

  8. Leah: Thank you - I'll visit your blog too :)
