torstaina, joulukuuta 08, 2011

Tracks in the snow

Tuesday was a public holiday - it was Finland's Independence Day so there were no school or work. We went out for a walk and kids were so happy for the minimal amount of snow. And we saw the cutest squirrel!!!

Tiistain vapaapäivä sujui ulkoillen ja nauttien! Pojat riemuitsivat pienestä lumimäärästä, joka oli satanut - tekivät pienet lumipallot ja kuljettivat niitä mukanaan. Ja näimme suloisen oravan napostelemassa siemeniä.

:: YOU CAPTURE - chilly ::

18 kommenttia:

  1. Kiva katsella talvisia kuvia kun täällä vielä lunta ei ole laisinkaan :)

  2. Hienon pörröisen oravan olet saanut kuvattua! Ja samaa mieltä Jasmiinan kanssa: kivoja talvikuvia - odotan jo, että pääsen pohjoisemmille leveysasteille viettämään joulua! :)

  3. Ihania talvisia kuvia ja söpö orava.
    Täälläkin on tullut tänään lunta jo vähän enemmänkin, jee!

  4. Cute squirrel. He is different than the ones we get here.

  5. These pictures are just amazing!! I'd love to visit...

    Have a blessed day today!

  6. Oh, I've never seen a squirrel here in the U.S. with those cute little tufts of hair! So cute....

  7. Kiitos kommenteista ♥

    Thank you for your comments ♥

    What kind of squirrels do you have? :) More like Chip&Dale? :D

  8. Really beautiful photos! I love the little squirrel. Glad you had fun on your holiday!

  9. Happy Finnish Independence Day! And I just want to hug that squirrel. So cute!

  10. What a great holiday you had!
    That squirrel must have liked being photographed.
    It's almost like he was posing.
    Made me smile :)

  11. what a fantastic day out. cute squirrel.

    thanks for the visit!

  12. Love your photos! What cute squirrels to get to watch.

  13. I love all your captures! 'Chilly' in Finland is quite beautiful and the squirrels in Finland are much cuter than ours!!!

  14. Looks like the perfect hike...and that squirrel is super cute:)


  15. That IS a really cute squirrel!! :-)
