sunnuntaina, marraskuuta 27, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Waiting - Odotus
Foliage (from my archives) -
Lehvästö (kuva arkistoista)
Candid -
Knife, Fork or Spoon -
Veitsi, haarukka tai lusikka
Rule of Thirds
- Kolmanneksen sääntö

And next week....
Ja ensi viiikolla...

Portrait - muotokuva
Nostalgic - nostalginen
Time - aika
Full of Light - valoisa
Motion - liike

17 kommenttia:

Buckeroomama kirjoitti...

I love your foliage shot and the one of the colorful spoons! We have the same set for the kids, too. :)

Pieni Lintu kirjoitti...

Buckeroomama: Thank you Ikea for the spoons ;)

TeeTee kirjoitti...

Ihanat muumimukit! Koko sarja on taas niin hieno. Tykkään tuosta lankakeräideasta tosi paljon!

Tezzie kirjoitti...

You are truly the master of these Scavenger Hunts :) Gorgeous examples, all of them! (and, we've got those IKEA spoons, too :D)

Desirae R kirjoitti...

We have the same spoons :)
I lov the shot with the mugs.

Pieni Lintu kirjoitti...

TeeTee: Joo, mukit on ihanat :)

Tezzie: Tack ♥

Desirae R: Is there someone who don't have IKEA spoons :D

Tamar SB kirjoitti...

Love those spoons! And the waiting is great! Love your new header!

Ashley Sisk kirjoitti...

Love your last shot - and great that you included the grid.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Wonderful shots. I love all the color. They are all wonderful. I love how you added the tags on the photos. Very cute.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

what a wonderful set of shots. And what fun looks to be had with the legos.

Nukke kirjoitti...

I so like your Waiting for Snow photo !!!! and Spoons are lovely !
But my favourite is your Rule of 3.

Hyvää Adventtia ja Joulunodotusta Sinulle ja perheellesi toivoen !

Pieni Lintu kirjoitti...

Thank you all so much for your nice words!!! <3

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

your set is great! really like the first shot! waiting for snow! very creative!

Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

Christine E-E kirjoitti...

I just love your Scavenger Hunt posts!

Christine E-E kirjoitti...

meant to also say, "ALL your pics are cool"

Cedar kirjoitti...

These are all fantastic! The spoons is so simple and creative, the candid is from such a great perspective and the rule of thirds is almost more lovely because of the grid :) Lovely set!

Honey Mommy kirjoitti...

Your colorful spoons brought me here! I think we have the same ones at our house.

I also love your foliage shot! It is lovely. The yarn is fun too.